Tales of Noone
1 Watt takes us around the world to where we are now. True stories, uncivilized dancing and anti-heroes come together in an art brut ballad starring Sophie Borthwick and Pierre Pilatte, with a techno soundtrack by Mathieu Monnot.
1 Watt takes us around the world to where we are now. True stories, uncivilized dancing and anti-heroes come together in an intimate ballad accompanied by an electro soundtrack and the dramatic poem “Walk about the villages” by Peter Handke.
« Tales of Noo(oo)ne » can play as a duo or a quartet
Tales of Noone (two bodies) is a duo by Sophie Borthwick and Pierre Pilatte. She tells the story of her life; he wanders into it. Together they elaborate a short autobiographical tale that culminates in an urge to dance. They create a walking piece with a carnival atmosphere. In «Tales of Noooone» (four bodies), the duo becomes a quartet, bringing new themes to the ensemble. Alexandre Théry is inspired by the references to colour and nature in Handke’s poem. Mathias Forge tells a condensed history of roundabouts.
A performance created in 2020
For all audience
Duration : 55 min (duet) and 67 min (quatuor)
Authors and performers : Sophie Borthwick, Pierre Pilatte + Alexandre Thery and Matthias Forge in the quartet version
Chorégraphie : Marta Izquierdo Muñoz.
Artistic support : Sandrine Roche.
Musique : Mathieu Monnot.
Conception & réalisation des dispositifs sonores : Thomas Bohl & Gilles Gallet, with the complicity of KompleX KapharnauM.
Coproductions and residencies :
Le Théâtre du Périscope, Les Elvis Platinés, La Communauté de Commune Piemont-Cévenole, RudeboyCrew, Melando, l’Atelline, L’Oktopus.
La compagnie 1WATT is supported by the French Ministry of Culture / DRAC Occitanie and the Région Occitanie Pyrénées Méditerranée. The performance Nouvelles gets support from Conseil Départemental du Gard, La Diagonale and the network Occitanie en scène.